28 June, 2006

The Propositions

We delivered The Holubs to the airport Sunday morning. Gibson was drinking coffee. What? Gibson doesn't drink coffee. "It's a mocha, so it doesn't count." He said, already jittery. They had a 10 o'clock flight to LA and then over to Madrid. We are meeting them in less than a week in Italy.

We've each come up with 2 things we have to do while we're there...kind of a scavenger hunt or a challenge to ourselves to seek out interesting things while we are there.

The lists are in:

Jon: Try some Absinthe and take photos of interesting toilets (not necessarily at the same time.)

Gibson: Leave a copy of 30 Days in Red Pants in a bathroom somewhere and all of us must try Cynar.

Ellen: Eat___________over the Ligurian Sea (we'll fill this in later) and find the weirdest gelato flavor in Italy.

Alex: Play cards with a local and get a picture of one of us kissing a dead pig hanging in a window of a shop or deli or wherever.

Wow...I think Italy will be glad she met us....or will she?


Anonymous said...

As a "control", I volunteer to find the weirdest flavor of gelato in Portland. Or maybe just all the flavors of gelato in Portland.

I'm thoughtful like that.

Logos Mori said...

That would be swell, kt - thanks for playing!

Anonymous said...

take pictures of toilets! GAH! I've long fantasized about a toilets of the world photo gallery.

no, i'm not kidding. that okay?
